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- Immunotherapy
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- Lung Cancers
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- Gastrointestinal Cancer
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- Breast Cancer
Citation: Clin Oncol. 2016;1(1):1098.DOI: 10.25107/2474-1663-v1-id1098
Robotic-Assisted Partial Cystectomy and Segmental Ureterectomy: Analysis of Efficacy and Oncologic Outcomes
Shen Yifan, Xu Tianyuan, Chen Shanwen and Shen Zhoujun
Department of Urology, Huashan Hospital, China
*Correspondance to: Shen Yifan
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Objective: To report on patients undergoing Robot-Assisted Partial Cystectomy (RAPC), and segmental ureterectomy focusing on the operational efficacy and Oncologic Outcomes over a range of clinical, anatomical and pathological variables, as well as the overall oncological efficacy of these organ-sparing approach.Methods and Patients: We retrospectively examined the robotic surgical database at Ruijin hospital and Huashan hospital to isolate cases of urologic malignancy managed using robotic technology from 2009 to 2016. During this period, 10 patients with biopsy-confirmed urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (cT1-4N0M0) were treated with RAPC plus chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. And 6 patients with urothelial carcinoma of the ureter (cT0-2N0M0) were treated with RASU plus chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.Results: RAPC was performed in 10 patients and the mean total operative time including Cystoscopy was 126.36minutes (90-180), mean estimated blood loss was 95.45mL (50-150). There were no intraoperative complications. The mean postoperative length of stay was 16.54 days (9-42). One patient suffered urine leak, who finally required a secondary operation at 2 weeks after RAPC. 2 patients developed cancer recurrence in the first year after RAPC. For the 6 patient underwent RASU, the mean operative time was 106.67minutes (90-160), and the estimated blood loss was 83.33mL (50-200). Meanwhile, there were no intraoperative complications. The mean postoperative length of stay was 9.67 days (8-15). And the follow-up for these patients showed no recurrence at the 12 months.Conclusion: RAPC and RASU confer the ability to achieve favorable outcomes. Robotic-assisted organ-sparing surgery should be considered a valid and meaningful option for the patients of bladder and ureter malignancy. Patient selection and accurate risk estimation are important, which immediately affect the oncological outcomes. More practice should be done, especiallyour data of follow-up, which is our major limitation of the study.
Urethial cancer; Partial cystectomy; Segmental ureterectomy; Robot-assisted; Complications; Outcomes
Cite the Article:
Yifan S, Tianyuan X, Shanwen C, Zhoujun S. Robotic-Assisted Partial Cystectomy and Segmental Ureterectomy: Analysis of Efficacy and Oncologic Outcomes. Clin Oncol. 2016; 1: 1098.