Case Report
Quadruple Hepatic Arteries in Patient with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Case Report
Adel El-Badrawy1*, Ahmad El-Morsy1 and Tharwat Kandil2
1Department of Radiology, Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Egypt
2Department of Surgical Oncology, Oncology Center- Mansoura University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Adel El-Badrawy, Department of Radiology, Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura, Egypt
Published: 24 Nov, 2016
Cite this article as: El-Badrawy A, El-Morsy A, Kandil T.
Quadruple Hepatic Arteries in Patient
with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Case
Report. Clin Oncol. 2016; 1: 1142.
A 58-year-old woman who had recently developed vague right-sided abdominal pain. Pre-contrast
and triphasic CT scans were performed by using a 64 multi-detector CT scanner. Patient underwent
hepatic resection. The preoperative findings of multi-detector row CT data sets were compared with
intra-operative findings, which served as the standard of reference. There were 4 hepatic arterial
supplies. 1st hepatic artery was small and originated from aorta. 2nd artery originated from aorta.
3rd artery originated from celiac trunk. 4th artery was left hepatic artery and originated from LGA.
Segment and distal subsegmental branches were clearly delineated.
Keywords: 64 Multidetector; CT angiography; Hepatic artery
Case Presentation
A 58-year-old woman who had recently developed vague right-sided abdominal pain. A
physical examination revealed cirrhotic liver and splenomegaly; otherwise, the findings were
unremarkable. Ultra-sonography performed for suspicion of a gall or renal stones revealed hepatic
mass. Her medical history included hepatitis C virus positive. The laboratory study on admission
showed the following results: mild elevated total bilirubin 1.4 mg/dL (normal 0.1–1.1), aspartate
aminotransferase (AST) 95 IU/mL (up to 40), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 105 IU/L (up to 40).
Serum a –fetoprotein level was 550 ng/mL (550 m g/L) (normal level, 5.0 ng/mL [5.0 m g/L]). Precontrast
and triphasic CT scans were performed by using a 64 multi-detector CT scanner (Brilliance
64; Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands).
Patient underwent hepatic resection. The preoperative findings of multi-detector row CT data
sets were compared with intra-operative findings, which served as the standard of reference. The
study was approved by our institutional review board, and informed consent was waived.
CT data obtained were transferred to the workstation (Extended Brilliance Workspace
V3.5.0.2254) (EBW) for post processing and analysis. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed right liver
lobe hepatic focal lesion. The lesion heterogeneously enhanced in arterial phase, washout in portal
and delayed phases. Arterial phase images were analyzed. The imaging analysis was based on source
images and three dimensional (3D) post processing images (maximum intensity projections and
shaded surface display) (MIP and SSD) as well as multiplanar reformation (MPR). There were 4
hepatic arterial supplies. These were arranged in clock wise location. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th arteries are
pink, green, yellow and red respectively (Figure 1 and 2). 1st hepatic artery was small and originated
from aorta. 2nd artery originated from aorta. 3rd artery originated from celiac trunk. 4th artery was left
hepatic artery and originated from LGA. Segment and distal sub segmental branches were clearly
delineated. Portal vein was patent. No vascular malformation, distortions, stenosis or arterio-venous
shunting were depicted
Preoperative knowledge of variant anatomy can assist in the selection of treatment options,
facilitate surgical dissection, and help avoid iatrogenic hepatic injury [1]. Three-dimensional MDCT
angiography is accurate for classification of hepatic arterial anatomy before hepatic resection [2].
Michels’ classic autopsy series of 200 dissections, published in 1966, defined the 10 basic
anatomic variations in hepatic arterial supply have served as the benchmark for all subsequent
contributions in this area. In the standard anatomy, the celiac axis gives rise to three branches. The
first branch is the LGA, after which the vessel divides into the splenic artery and CHA. The CHA
then bifurcates into the GDA and PHA, and the PHA bifurcates into
the RHA and LHA [3]. Another subsequent studies evaluated hepatic
arterial variants [1,2,4-6].
The technological development of the multidetector computed
tomography (MDCT) scanner allows not only a more rapid acquisition
of axial images but also volumetric scanning in a desired anatomic area
during selected phases of contrast enhancement. MDCT angiography
(MDCTA) has become an established noninvasive imaging method to
define vascular anatomy and pathology affecting vascular structures,
as well as for presurgical treatment planning [7,8].
CT has been combined with 3D CT angiography not only for the
depiction of the hepatic vascular anatomy but also for the assessment
of the number of lesions and their size, segmental location, and
hypervascularity [9-11].
MDCTA is an effective, high-resolution, noninvasive imaging
technique that readily demonstrates the presence of vascular and
neoplastic pathology, with a direct impact on treatment decisions
including patient selection for surgical management [12].
The advent of 64-row multidetector computed tomography
(MDCT), thanks to isotropic spatial resolution, the extremely fast CT
data acquisition, and the consequent optimization of enhancement,
has made MDCT invaluable in the evaluation of vascular arterial
anatomy [4].
The new generation of 64-row MDCT allows optimal visualization
of splanchnic vascular anomalies with a minimally invasive
examination. This visualization is extended to those vessels with a
small caliber and slow flow resulting in difficult recognition by classic
angiographic studies. The knowledge of anomalous arterial patterns
could be very useful in the preoperative planning of surgical and
interventional liver procedures [4]. So, the non previously described
anatomical variant of hepatic arteries has been encountered as in our
For evaluation of hepatic arterial supply, we used axial source
and reformatted images. Reformates included SSD, MIP and MRP
that created in different angles of views for more delineation of
arterial trees. Two hepatic arteries originate from aorta at the same
level of celiac trunk, but they are small. The hepatic arterial supplies
are visualized up to their terminal sub capsular branches. 2D data
sets and 3D 64-row MDCT angiogram provide better visualization
and accurate vascular mapping of hepatic arterial anatomy. This is in
agreement with previous studies [4,12].
Our study presents a rare anatomical variant of hepatic arterial
supply in a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using
64 multidetector CT angiography. The new generation of 64
multidetector CT angiography permits comprehensive and accurate
assessment of the hepatic vascular anatomy in liver resection.
Preoperative knowledge of the range of hepatic arterial anomalies and
their specific frequencies is of greater importance in the planning and
performance of hepatic resection.
In conclusion, we have presented a case of quadruple hepatic
arterial supply in case of hepatocellular carcinoma, to our knowledge,
the present case is the first published report to four hepatic arteries.
The new generation of 64 multidetector CT angiography permits
comprehensive and accurate assessment of the hepatic vascular
anatomy in liver resection. Awareness' of this rare anatomical variant
is very important of hepatic surgery to facilitate surgical dissection,
and help avoid iatrogenic hepatic injury.
Teaching point
Quadruple hepatic arterial supply is a very rare. Preoperative
knowledge of the range of hepatic arterial anomalies is of greater
importance in the planning and performance of hepatic resection.
The new generation of 64-row MDCT allows optimal visualization
of hepatic vascular anomalies with a minimally invasive examination.
Figure 1 (A-D)
Figure 1 (A-D)
Axial oblique MIP image demonstrates 4 hepatic arterial
supplies. These are in clock wise location. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th arteries are
pink, green, yellow and red respectively. 1st hepatic artery originates from
aorta. 2nd artery originates from aorta. 3rd artery originates from celiac trunk.
4th artery is left hepatic artery and originated from LGA. Segment and distal
subsegmental branches are clearly delineated.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Coronal oblique MIP image (A and B posterior & anterior views)
demonstrates 1st, 2nd and 3rd arteries. 1st hepatic artery (pink) originates from
aorta. 2nd artery (green) originates from aorta. 3rd artery (yellow) originates
from celiac trunk. Segment and distal subsegmental branches are clearly
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