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Citation: Clin Oncol. 2022;7(1):1903.DOI: 10.25107/2474-1663-v7-id1903
FOX A1 Immunohistochemical Expression as a Prognostic Factor in Cases of Invasive Serous and Mucinous Ovarian Carcinoma in Correlation with p53 Status
Shaimaa MM Bebars, Afaf Taha Ebrahim El-Nashar, Esraa Mohamed Youssef and Rasha Mohamed Samir Sayed
Department of Pathology, Aswan University, Egypt
Department of Pathology, Sohag University, Egypt
Department of Medicine, Aswan University, Egypt
*Correspondance to: Shaimaa Mohamed Mouneer Bebars
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Aim: The objective of the present work was to evaluate FOX A1 immunohistochemical expression in correlation with p53 status in invasive serous and mucinous carcinomas to determine prognostic value.
Methods: This retrospective study was carried out on paraffin embedded blocks of 46 and 21 invasive serous and 15 mucinous ovarian carcinomas respectively. Sectioning and immunohistochemical staining using anti-p53 and anti-FOX A1 antibodies was conducted.
Results: p53 expression was detected in approximately two third of all cases (65.7%), score 4 was the most frequent score (52.2%) and only significant association could be detected between p53 expression and histologic type as all positive cases were of serous type. FOX A1 showed high expression (80.6%) in all cases and score 2 & 3 represented 38.8% and 35.8% respectively. FOX A1 showed significant association with old age (p=0.048), stage (p=0.001) and high grade (<0.001), also with capsular rupture and ascites (<0.001). No agreement could be detected between FOX A1 expression and p53, still, (82.6%) of negative p53 cases showed positivity for FOX A1 and (65.2%) of negative p53 cases showed FOX A1 score 3.
Conclusion: FOX A1 is highly expressed and has a poor prognostic indication in invasive serous and mucinous carcinoma cases regarding significant association with old age, high grade, stage, capsular rupture and ascites, p53 helps to differentiate serous type and FOX A1 over expression in cases of negative p53 could be used as a marker for prognosis and potential targeted therapy.
FOX A1; p53: Immunohistochemistry; Serous ovarian carcinoma; Mucinous ovarian carcinoma; Cancer ovary
Cite the Article:
Bebars SMM, El-Nashar ATE, Youssef EM, Sayed RMS. FOX A1 Immunohistochemical Expression as a Prognostic Factor in Cases of Invasive Serous and Mucinous Ovarian Carcinoma in Correlation with p53 Status. Clin Oncol. 2022;7:1903..