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Citation: Clin Oncol. 2020;5(1):1687.DOI: 10.25107/2474-1663-v5-id1687
Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder after Lung Transplantation: The Portuguese Experience
Sara Campos Silva, Nídia Caires, Nicole Murinello, Luísa Semedo, Aida Botelho and João Cardoso
Department of Pulmonology, Hospital de Santa Marta, Central Lisbon University Hospital, Portugal NOVA Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Department of Hematology, Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos, Central Lisbon University Hospital, Portugal
*Correspondance to: Sara Campos Silva
PDF Full Text Research Article | Open Access
Introduction: Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders (PTLD) is a well-recognized and potentially fatal complication after solid organ transplantation. Reports of the incidence and characteristics of PTLD in Lung Transplant (LT) recipients are few, and risk factors and treatment approaches have been postulated, although more research is needed. Methods: We report a retrospective analysis of patients who developed PTLD after lung transplant in the Portuguese lung transplant center between 2008 and 2018. Results: Of 193 patients submitted to lung transplant five (2.6%) developed PTLD. At the time of LT, the mean age was 43.4 years (range, 20 to 63 yrs) and the median time between LT and PTLD diagnosis was 41 months (range, 8 to 120 months). All patients had reduction of immunosuppression at the time of diagnosis. Only one patient died four months after the diagnosis due to infectious complications. Conclusion: Our small experience shows a variable sample, although with a trend to later occurrence. Despite treatment effectiveness is better in early stages, in our sample outcome remained well.
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders; Lung transplant; Epstein-Barr virus
Cite the Article:
Silva SC, Caires N, Murinello N, Semedo L, Botelho A, Cardoso J. PostTransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder after Lung Transplantation: The Portuguese Experience. Clin Oncol. 2020; 5: 1687.