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- Blood Cancer
- Carcinomas
- Prostate Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Surgical Oncology
- Breast Cancer
- Endometrial Cancer
- Bladder Cancer
Citation: Clin Oncol. 2018;3(1):1531.DOI: 10.25107/2474-1663-v3-id1531
An Obvious Increasing Trend for Cancer Prevalence: A Population based Study in Zhongshan of China, 1970-2013
Kuangrong Wei, Zhiheng Liang and Zhuming Li
Department of Cancer, Zhongshan Cancer Institute, Zhongshan People`s Hospital, China
*Correspondance to: Kuangrong Wei
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Background: Real long term cancer prevalence data has never been systematically studied in China. Hence, we thoroughly explored the 44 years cancer prevalence data in Zhongshan of China.Methods: Prevalent data of cancer cases, diagnosed in Zhongshan in 1970-2013, still alive on 31, December 2013, which came from population-based Zhongshan Cancer Registry, were collected and collated. Such indices as the prevalent counts, proportions, and the ratio of prevalence with incidence, stratified by time, age, sex, and sites, were calculated and analyzed.Results: As of 31 Dec, 2013, there were 10 527 alive cancer patients diagnosed in previous 5 years in Zhongshan, the 5 years prevalent proportion was 689.59/105. Top 5 male prevalent cancers were nasopharynx, colorectum, lung, liver, and prostate cancer, respectively, and breast, uterus, colorectum, lung, and thyroid cancers for female, respectively. Nasopharyngeal cancer was the top 1 and 7 prevalent cancer for male and female, respectively. Generally, the female prevalence in Zhongshan was higher than the male, the prevalence diagnosed in previous 2-3 years were higher than diagnosed in previous 1 and 4-5 years. Cancer prevalence varied by different sites, sex, and age. Moreover, its prevalence in 2000-2013 increased obviously in Zhongshan.Conclusion: Five years cancer prevalent proportions in Zhongshan on 31 Dec, 2013 were at high-middle level worldwide and nationwide, while the prevalence of nasopharyngeal cancer at high level. Its prevalence in Zhongshan in 2000-2013 increased remarkably. It suggested that the medi care for alive cancer patients should be paid more attention, and medical resources in Zhongshan should be allocated accordingly.
Cancer; Prevalence; Zhongshan
Cite the Article:
Wei K, Liang Z, Li Z. An Obvious Increasing Trend for Cancer Prevalence: A Population based Study in Zhongshan of China, 1970-2013. Clin Oncol. 2018; 3: 1531.